Saturday, September 26, 2009

"Wild Cool West", acrylic & Oil on panel, 24"x48"

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"Wild Cool West @ Pig Eyed Pete's Saloon", Size: 24"x48"

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close up, 24x48

Hi Friends,
I am coming along on this Work, Medium : color pencil, acrylic, sand, cigarrete ash, tradionally home made Oils with resins. If you are interested in it, or any others from my albums here on FB, or my website, feel free to contact me, and or if you have any comments on this work, about the color palette, composition, theme etc.. I'd also appreciate that as well, have a pleasant day (^-^)

*Coming West , was not easy during the 1800's. The gold rush in 1848 brought people here to California from all over the world,including Europe, latin america , Australia, China, and pioneers and frontier people from the East, they had to travel along side rivers,facing the elements, like wild life, etc..or travel across Panama on canoes, often they died of malaria and scurvy or both... the sick were often left behind. Colorado was a key point in coming this way. In this painting , i have included fur trappers , Outlaws, gold diggers ,which it shows them having a good time, and sometimes not so good. At the drop of a hat, you could get called for a fight back then, very little law and order if any was a great way to start over, so the term Califonia Dream came from this 49ers.....

*What the twin territories of Oklahoma and the Indian Nations were full of in the later part of the 19th century. Known as the Robbers Roost, the territories became a safe haven for some of the old west's most desperate villains. With no law west of St. Louis and no God west of Fort Smith, Ark. the remnants of the Missouri Border Raiders and Texas Freebooters found the territories a safe place to conduct their illegal business from. Throw in the cowboys who were fast becoming extinct with the opening of the Oklahoma Territory to homesteaders and the invention of barb wire, and the homesteaders that sank every dime of their life's saving into the risky and often heartbreaking business of farming on the Oklahoma prairie, and you have an ample supply of desperate characters who were willing to attempt anything to acquire their fortunes, so california became sort of another safe haven for a while for outcasts and people seeking a new life, thanks have a pleasant day ^-^

Paul Torres